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Minutes of Technical Community Discussion on September 17, 2015

  • Date and Time: 6:00am PDT / UTC 13:00, Thursday September 17, 2015
  • Convener: Bin Hu (AT&T)
  • Participants:
    • Al Morton (AT&T)
    • Ana Cunha (Ericsson)
    • Bryan Sullivan (AT&T)
    • Christopher Price (Ericsson)
    • Dave Neary (Red Hat)
    • David Duffey
    • Debra Scott (OPNFV)
    • Fatih Degirmenci (Ericsson)
    • Haoran (Kaipule) Li (ZTE)
    • Howard (Zhipeng) Huang (Huawei)
    • Ildiko Vancsa (Ericsson)
    • Juha Oravainen (Nokia)
    • Larry Lamers (VMWare)
    • Malla Reddy Sama (DoCoMo)
    • Mark D Gray (Intel)
    • Mark Szczesniak (Casa)
    • Rajeev Seth (Sonus Networks)
    • Stuart Mackie (Juniper)
    • Ulrich Kleber (Huawei)
    • Xiaoli Wang (Huawei)
  • Upstream Feature Development and Cross-Project Collaboration
    • Status update on active items
    • Status update on areas of interest
    • Draft Blueprints Discussion

Howard Huang (Huawei) introduced that Multisite project started with requirement analysis which in turn result in bug fixes and BPs for upstream projects, such as OpenStack. There are 4 use cases and related requirements contributed by various members of the project.

Use Case 1 is "Multisite Identity Service Management". Dave Neary (RedHat) asked if any Keystone contributors have been involved in proposing and giving input to this use case. Howard answered not yet. The contributors of this use case are from DoCoMo, Huawei, Metaswitch etc. Howard continued to introduce the proposed solution to this use case, i.e. "KeyStone service(Distributed) with Fernet token + Async replication (star-mode)". Ericsson and Huawei have developed the prototype and demonstrated this solution. One bug fix is needed. This bug report was submitted to Keystone team, who confirmed this bug and planned to fix it for L release. Multisite project is now working on bugfix patch, and will submit this bugfix patch for L release.

Use Case 3 is "VNF Geo Site Redundancy". Howard clarified that Multisite project focuses on how infrastructure can support VNF geo site redundancy. But Multisite project will not work on actual solution of how to make VNF geo site redundant.

The first solution is "Nova Quiesce + Cinder Consistency volume snapshot+ Cinder backup". Dave Neary (RedHat) asked if the project knows how many number of VNFs are interested in this VNF migration. This is because it is not a priority in OpenStack, and feedback could be "it is an application feature and needs to be handled by application instead of infrastructure". Dave further asked if there is any positive or negative feedback from OpenStack. Howard answered that there is no feedback from OpenStack yet.

Howard continued to introduce the second solution for Use Case 3, i.e "Cinder Volume Replication". The feedback from OpenStack is that it can be targeted for M release.

The third solution of Use Case 3 is "Nova Snapshot + Glance Image + Cinder Snapshot + Cinder Backup". This solution is already supported in current OpenStack setup.

Use Case 2 is "VNF high availability across VIM". Project team is still working on the requirement. Team had a joint meeting and discussion with HA project, and 2 BPs were drafted for Neutron. They were submitted pretty recently, thus there is no feedback yet.

Use Case 4 is "Centralized Service Platform" proposed by Orange. The team is still working on the details of this use case and looking into 2 aspects of image replication: "copy-from download interface" and "async. clone task".

Bin summarized that:
- Use Case 1: bugfix confirmed, and bugfix patch for L release
- Use Case 2: requirement work in progress, and 2 new BPs without feedback from OpenStack yet
- Use Case 3: 3 solutions. Solution 1 hasn't had feedback from OpenStack yet. Solution 2 got feedback for M release. Solution 3 can be supported in current OpenStack setup.
- Use Case 4: use case work in progress.

Dave suggested that it would be really really helpful to add more background information of which components of VNFs will interact in above use cases, i.e. a bit more context of those use cases for person without telco background.

Howard agreed and will bring this suggestion to the project.

Chris concluded that there are lots of good work, and good discussion with OpenStack team.

Then team discussed how to help promote it in OpenStack Summit in late October. Bin mentioned that there would be a OPNFV BoF session there. Both Uli and Bryan volunteered to help organize the BoF. Dave indicated that Iben is the lead of this BoF session. Bin suggested that Howard / Uli work with Iben to get this into the agenda of BoF.

  • Other cross-project topics


  • Project Proposal Discussion
    • Active project proposals
      • TBD


Meeting adjourned.

wiki/tc_minutes_20150917.txt · Last modified: 2015/09/17 18:34 by Bin Hu