Enhancements of current components and work areas for FastDataStacks
Key work areas for composing the intial FastDataStack out of OpenStack, OpenDaylight, VPP:
OpenStack / OpenDaylight enhancements
O/S Neutron - ODL Neutron Northbound: Evolve OpenStack - OpenDaylight ML2 driver (enhanced synchronization and cluster support)
OpenDaylight enhancements
Create GBP (Group Based Policy) Mapper (part of the ODL GBP project) for necessary Neutron Objects
Extend GBP infrastructure to allow End-Point Configuration
Augment/extend ODL Topology info to capture provider networks
GBP renderer for VPP/Netconf (part of the ODL GBP project)
FD.IO enhancements
Honeycomb enhancements: YANG model, NSH in VPP, associated
vhostuser support
TAP interface support
Installer enhancements
VPP plugin for APEX,..
Sytem level testing