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Minutes of Technical Community Discussion on August 27, 2015

  • Date and Time: 6:00am PDT / UTC 13:00, Thursday August 27, 2015
  • Convener: Bin Hu (AT&T)
  • Participants:
    • Al Morton (AT&T)
    • Ana Cunha (Ericsson)
    • Brian Castelli (Spirent)
    • Brian Smith (Bell Canada)
    • Bryan Sullivan (AT&T)
    • Christopher Price (Ericsson)
    • Dan Druta (AT&T)
    • Daniel Smith (Ericsson)
    • Dave Neary (Red Hat)
    • David Duffey
    • Debra Scott (OPNFV)
    • Edgar St Pierre (EMC)
    • Fatih Degirmenci (Ericsson)
    • Hurry
    • Ildiko Vancsa (Ericsson)
    • Larry Lamers (VMWare)
    • Maria Toeroe (Ericsson)
    • Michael Lynch (Intel)
    • Prakash Ramchandran (Huawei)
    • Praveen Kumar
    • Raymond Nugent (Huawei)
    • Serge Manning (Sprint)
    • Stuart Mackie (Juniper)
    • Weidong Shao (Huawei)
  • Upstream Feature Development and Cross-Project Collaboration
    • Status update on active items
    • Status update on areas of interest
    • Draft Blueprints Discussion
    • Other cross-project topics


  • Project Proposal Discussion
    • Active project proposals:
      • New Integration and Test Project Proposals:

Chris Price (Ericsson) introduced this project proposal. It intends to define and provide a set of OPNFV related validation criteria that will provide input for the evaluation of the use of OPNFV trademarks. It will create executable test cases as qualification criteria. Basically it primarily takes the work and guidance from Board Compliance and Certification Committee.

Dave Neary (RedHat) suggested to change the name of the project. He will initiate the discussion thread offline.

Bryan (AT&T) asked if this project intends to use existing test assets, or intends to develop own test cases. Chris answered that majority of test cases will be developed by the community and will be reused. The project may develop some more test cases if there is any gap.

Prakash (Huawei) asked if this project will be aligned with ETSI NFV reference architecture as well as other SDOs will be debated in the project scope. Chris answered that the project will include other possibilities besides NFV to cover gaps using other SDO's. It will be addressed when the project is executed. Because it is not sure now, the wording of the dependencies is "…including but not limited to the ETSI NFV ISG TST working group….".

Bin concluded that the comments and questions have been addressed well, and he suggested the group to recommend this project for TSC creation review. If there are more questions, feel free to discuss on mailing list.

The group reached the consensus to recommend this project for TSC creation review.

Bin introduced that after discussion last week, the author has revised the project proposal to focus on collaborative development with other OPNFV projects in building, installing, configuring and testing, while develop ARM-specific code as necessary for integration purpose. The nature is similar to other OPNFV projects such as ONOSFW, OVS for NFV, Hypervisor-KVM, SFC, and some of requirement projects. ARM is lining up resources to work with those dependent projects and make contributions through collaboration. And the project itself will function as a central coordination group.

Dave Neary (RedHat) seconded this approach.

Michael Lynch (Intel) asked if the primary work of this project is to work with other groups. Bin confirmed yes.

Because there is no more comments, Bin suggested to recommend it for TSC creation review.

Group reached the consensus to recommend it for TSC creation review.

  • Postponed project proposals:
    • Pinpoint - postponed to September 03 upon author's request

Adi requested to postpone it to next week (September 03) because they are still under discussion with Doctor project.

Bin indicated that the author of this proposal (Tim Falls) has left Midokura company. Bin had a chance to chat with their CEO, and it doesn't seem they have interest to further pursue this project.

Chris suggested to remove it from agenda. All agreed.

Bin will document it in minutes, as well as communicate it on mailing list

  • AOB

Dave (RedHat) asked the status of SaltStack project. Bin remembered that this project was discussed in March, and concluded to experiment SaltStack installer in BGS. Dave suggested to ask the author to withdraw it. Bin will dig out details and communicate on mailing list.

Meeting adjourned.

wiki/tc_minutes_20150827.txt · Last modified: 2015/08/27 18:31 by Bin Hu