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OPNFV Project Proposals


All projects in proposed state must be listed here for a period of at least two weeks prior to approval review by the TSC. Create your proposal according to the project proposal template and post your proposal to the TSC and technical discussion lists. (See the checklist for project proposal & creation review )

An OPNFV project falls into just one of the following four main categories:

  • Requirements projects – projects which focus on gathering and documenting OPNFV related requirements.
  • Collaborative Development projects – projects which perform collaborative development with one or multiple upstream open source development projects, industry forums/projects, or standard development organizations (SDO).
  • Integration & Testing projects – projects which focus on continuous integration, testing, and the creation of associated tools; these projects can span multiple upstream and industry projects.
  • Documentation projects – projects which focus on creating documentation and associated tools.

Please use the project proposal template for your proposals and list the proposal on this page in the respective section below.

As a reminder, from the most recent Project Lifecycle document, Projects in different categories can create code (e.g. collaborative development, integration & testing, or even documentation projects could create code), hence “code production” isn’t a category of its own.

Proposed Requirement Projects

The following proposed projects are related to development of requirements for the OPNFV reference platform.

Proposed Collaborative Development projects

The following proposed projects are related to collaborative development projects for the OPNFV reference platform.

Proposed Integration & Testing projects

(A) Proposed Integration Projects

(B) Proposed Testing projects

Documentation projects

The following projects are related to development of documentation for the OPNFV reference platform.

  • -
Withdrawn proposals

The following projects were proposed for creation, but were withdrawn before approval by the TSC, or were merged into an alternative project.

project_proposals.1445978690.txt.gz · Last modified: 2015/10/27 20:44 by Vikram Dham