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Polling of Schedule for Technical Discussion


  • Day and Time: 6:00am US Pacific Time / NOW 14:00 UTC (when US Standard Time) / 13:00 UTC (when US Daylight Savings Time), Thursdays.

How Project Proposal is Reviewed

At Technical Discussion meetings, project proposals will be reviewed based on the order of when they were announced on mailing lists. If a project has been discussed before but revision/more work is needed, then the proposal timestamp will be reset to when the project proposal was most recently discussed.

Agenda of March 03, 2016

Your local time

  • Upstream Feature Development and Cross-Project Collaboration
    • Status update on active items - TBD
    • Status update on areas of interest - TBD
    • Draft Blueprints Discussion - TBD
    • Other cross-project topics - TBD

Past Meeting Agenda and Minutes

wiki/weekly_technical_discussion.1456771831.txt.gz · Last modified: 2016/02/29 18:50 (external edit)